Encryption Certificate How Can I Get Strong Encryption On My Website Without Buying An Expensive Certificate Or Having A Self-sign?

How can I get strong encryption on my website without buying an expensive certificate or having a self-sign? - encryption certificate

My site is not a business, I do not know all yours .. However, I would have the numbers on my side.
Mainly for the application but only for a regular menu.

I am not against money, but something like $ 150 a year is enough.

Self-signing is delayed in these days with the pop-ups massive security alert in Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Is there some kind of SSL certificate for companies that do not?

Otherwise, where are accepting the cheapest SSL certificates are used by the popular browsers?


TechAnsw... said...

The easiest and cheapest and easiest I've found is GoDaddy. Certificates are to be treated really easy to be accepted by virtually all browsers and can accommodate up to 256 bits!. A click on this link may receive even less with my discount (about $ 12.99/yr.)!

http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-3148260-1 ...


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