Drinking Causes Black Poop My Puppy's Poop Was Black. Why?

My puppy's poop was black. Why? - drinking causes black poop

My poo Daschund Puppies 2 months, and black nose. But only once, and now is pooping regularly. She looks normal and eating and drinking.

What could have caused this? Is it okay now? Should I schedule another appointment vet?


Stephen B said...

A "black" and "tar" is a symptom of occult blood. These generally display a form of internal bleeding, which is evacuated through the digestive system or its origin in the digestive system (where applicable) the esophagus. There are signs of a voltmeter internal bleeding that can run some very expensive and confirm some of the price of their annual bill for vaccines. This could be a bone that caused the injury and was cured or who might have swallowed the beginning of a long journey. Puppies are fragile and need special care from their first year. Please consult with your DMV, and if it is still "black" consider an emergency visit. In addition, the "shitz ... you are familiar with diarrhea can be used as studs for Christmas with a puppy or dog to lose .... but if the WB, like water .... flows and that the viscosity of water, although this type of diarrhea, no more than a mountain, only a few people to kill in order to bring your puppy fatal dehydration. The issue is your puppy has a doctor is at all? Prolly need a check and shots, why not now?

Natalie said...

Sounds good to me the poo is probably something with the black dog ate Tom. If she is eating and drinking just normal. I would not worry. Its when a dog does not eat, drink or sent, and it is immaterial whether the lie is that if I have a Daschund worry.Well was once a little faster to be honest. Good luck

TK said...

She received a bite or two of something, not should have done. Get on hands and knees and then recheck your puppy safe area. Even if the diarrhea does not go, I would not worry. Enter the date, so that you can reference from your vet, if not repeat this.

Coupon S said...

Completlely is normal! You have nothing to fear! One reason could eat bad food, any food can cause this problem. Also, believe it or not .. Stress. This is alleviated with this type of elimination. It looks pretty good now.

Do not worry!

Beatles '64 said...

Just watch your puppy. If it happens again, take the dog and a stool sample to the vet. There might be something you ate, or blood in the blood in the stool (formerly the black is). Look at it and make sure they eat nothing that is not likely:)

Rayy b said...

More protection both?
It was only diahrea ....
He could have come from too little iron or grass.

mizsmile... said...

Jump to a veterinarian to be sure, but I saw lots of dogs swimming, black.

Darius Denzel Wesley said...

There is nothing wrong with him or her, but her next appointment in the veterinary ask why so

Corgi123 said...

Go to the vet to be safe. I want those wings badly, and have someone who comes to your dog.

Josway said...

Maybe he was eating chocolate and diarrhea

Paul S said...

ate rocks!

Y/A Fan said...

do not worry ... its normal temperature

Mart said...

u probably fed on

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