Gay Bikers Are Bikers Gay With All That Leather And Macho Antics?
Are bikers gay with all that leather and macho antics? - gay bikers
They are like the common people with all the computers that ridiculous. And they think they are bad and people should be afraid of contracting the disease.
Gay Boys is that I'm sorry. Everyone is focused and they laugh to think they are the cyclists ...
WHAT !!!!! STEREOTYPES Only less than 1% of bikers are outlaws who received a negative impression on popular culture. The fact that the majority of drivers prefer leather (I kevlar, but I have a jacket does not mean) that they are homosexual, it means that you want to protect against the elements! Also leather clothing for protection against severe falls, if you dropped a bike at 80 + mph, it does not stop when you hit the ground. They slide on the pavement and against the skin! Leather / Kevlar suits, in order to prevent wrinkles from the body once they reach the ground so that couples only to the sidewalk. I use a leather jacket for the same reason wearing a seatbelt! 1!
Ignorant, by God, the people.
WHAT !!!!! STEREOTYPES Only less than 1% of bikers are outlaws who received a negative impression on popular culture. The fact that the majority of drivers prefer leather (I kevlar, but I have a jacket does not mean) that they are homosexual, it means that you want to protect against the elements! Also leather clothing for protection against severe falls, if you dropped a bike at 80 + mph, it does not stop when you hit the ground. They slide on the pavement and against the skin! Leather / Kevlar suits, in order to prevent wrinkles from the body once they reach the ground so that couples only to the sidewalk. I use a leather jacket for the same reason wearing a seatbelt! 1!
Ignorant, by God, the people.
WHAT !!!!! STEREOTYPES Only less than 1% of bikers are outlaws who received a negative impression on popular culture. The fact that the majority of drivers prefer leather (I kevlar, but I have a jacket does not mean) that they are homosexual, it means that you want to protect against the elements! Also leather clothing for protection against severe falls, if you dropped a bike at 80 + mph, it does not stop when you hit the ground. They slide on the pavement and against the skin! Leather / Kevlar suits, in order to prevent wrinkles from the body once they reach the ground so that couples only to the sidewalk. I use a leather jacket for the same reason wearing a seatbelt! 1!
Ignorant, by God, the people.
Cyclists should leather goods, because they fly at high speeds, the air has a high thermal sensation and the leather is more resistant to wind and less wind.
Therefore .......
Not more cyclists are not gay or weird fetishes. If you do not see cyclists in a place like San Francisco.
Not more cyclists are not gay or weird fetishes. If you do not see cyclists in a place like San Francisco.
Not more cyclists are not gay or weird fetishes. If you do not see cyclists in a place like San Francisco.
I do not think that the cyclists, people are afraid of contracting a disease from bad ... ok .... Your answer is no., Cyclists are not gay, with all that leather and Antics macho.
What a question .....
If you are on a bike 40 km / h on gravel or asphalt, you can understand why bikers in leather fashion. "Road Rash" is the well -
It is a cliché. Not all riders are gay.
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