Night Form Why Do Thunderstorms Form At Night?
Why do thunderstorms form at night? - night form
When storms / Cumulunimbus clouds are formed by heating the surface, and convection, which is why there are thunderstorms in the night? Is it because the elevator, through a front or what?
Thunderstorms thrive in the heat of the day. You hit your peak heating system during the day in the afternoon and evening, this is more likely to develop during a thunderstorm. Can a few hours after sunset, the atmosphere will still be willing to break a few thunderstorms. Thunderstorms can develop any time of day ... But the prime time between 3p-7p, local time.
While the engine of the storm is actually far more complex ... but it is a quick sketch.
not only in the night
good answers here. 2 points for me
The reason is the cooling of the stratosphere. When the sun heats the atmosphere begins to cool, from top to bottom. The air is lifted by any means (surface heating, orographic lifting, the slope face) suddenly much warmer than the air temperature even to the point where he raised the cooling air in the space radiation.
not only because the sun does not mean that storms can not be ...
Thunderstorms form when significant condensation, which can occur in the manufacture of a wide range of water droplets and ice crystals in an atmosphere that is unstable and supports deep, rapid upward motion be. This is often done in the presence of three conditions: sufficient moisture is accumulated in the lower atmosphere, the dew point at high temperature, a significant drop in air temperature with increasing height, known as adiabatic Rate Rate reflects the steep fall, and a force such as mechanical convergence along a cold front, with the focus of the elevator. [4]
in general, because the night is done ,,,,,, this time, the temperature of the earth's surface and atmospheric temperature ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, different, even if the temperature underground is a bit else,,,,
I do not know ... But to be a head banger last night!
Reports indicate that one can form at any time of the storm, not only during the night.
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