Any Photo Of Allah I Heard That Photo's Are Haram?

I heard that Photo's are Haram? - any photo of allah

I was told that the photo on the wall is haram because they see such images?

but certainly Photos Wall Photos Arent taken into account?

Heres the Hadith:

Narrated Abu Talha:

I heard the Messenger of God, and said, "Angels () of grace, enter any house in which) a dog or a picture of an animal (human or animal."

Please, no opinion on the basis of the answers, I want proof of the Koran, a sheikh or another hadith. Links that does not bother me.

best answer for the best answer: D

Thanks in advance =]


My name is not bruce said...

In all honesty. For only the views and the photos did not exist before 1400 years ago. The concept of "freezing" is not thinking.

Even if you look at the Hadith reported .... No .... It is missing a state of sin, but that would be a blessing. There are things, neutral in Islam as air ..... .... His blessing is not ... is that a sin?

SuPa.StA... said...

It is not prohibited as haram depend () to family photos on the wall, but I object to the wall in front of you hanging in prayer. On the gallows in the direction of prayer, his thoughts are likely to be distracted and also might give the impression that the religious images. It is important for us Muslims to make us in our different religious practices that are associated with Allah in worship, too. Therefore you should never hang such pictures in the direction of your prayer.

In principle, whose pictures hang on the walls!

Hope that helped me:)

Jinm said...

Do you really think that the day of the test, God will ask you to go to hell or punish you for showing pictures of their loved ones at home. Keyword Haram and then use it only used its discretion and common sense to these small little things that have absolutely no effect on the Islamic religion itself have. God is much bigger and better. Please do not ignore the most important things you need to do to improve to a believer.

yankeess... said...

From what I heard: no pictures, you should make (the same way that you should not eat shrimp), but not haram to put up the pictures ... like the angels of mercy do not enter your house as if someone had to die at home to die a horrible death

Pharmaci... said...

oh .. God ..
PPL photos r haram and no images in one or the other ..
I mean, why? What is the logic?

They also said that Dr. statues haram Allah mentioned in the Koran that were geniuses making statues of King Solaiman ..

Quran never said that statues haram .. r

plz ppl, if we have more important problems to think that the most innocuous things ..

i hope u get me the right way ..

Love and peace of Islam ..

Slave of Allah said...

The non-answer to your question. The photographs do not hang on the wall as haram. Painting hands of humans or animals are just as haram.

James M said...

Are you much you can do something? It seems that everything is forbidden, even the most innocuous things.

Sui said...

Photography is not haram. The Koran does not mention that it's against the rules, so its not haram.

²§ţŕÖŋģ° said...

If an image as a cult by their peers, etc., which is counted as haram, the rest

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